Feeling positive about the future is hard when you feel weighed down by the past.
Everyone says —
Think positive!
Be grateful!
Believe you can create what you want, and you shall receive it!
But no matter how hard you try or how much healing you do, you keep struggling to fix the same problems.
You try to break bad habits, figure out what to do with your life and achieve your goals, but nothing seems to change. It feels like you're living in Groundhog Day.
Maybe you keep hearing 'do the work,' but you're not sure HOW.
You want to know exactly what to do, step-by-step so you can access the still-hidden parts of yourself.
There’s something you should know about change:
While we all have free will, and are in total control of what we create with our lives…
The truth is that we all have emotional baggage and unconscious pain from the past influencing the level of control we have over what we create.
These two forces — free will and unconscious past pain — continually battle it out, causing a war within.
Every day, with each decision we make, we decide who wins a certain battle.
Our free will, directed by our deepest desires and what we wish to create with our lives, the type of person we want to be?
Or unconscious pains of the past, pains that cause us to see our entire lives through the lens of our deepest hurts?
These unconscious pains and fears are the source of your biggest problems.
This is why you find yourself binge eating, drinking, working, shopping, scrolling or other addictive behaviors while feeling helpless to stop.
It's why you feel so guilty saying no or doing things that make you happy, but inconvenience others.
It's why you worry so much of what others think of you that it stops you from following your dreams.
All these frustrating problems are actually your ego trying to keep you safe.
When you learn how to make the part of you that feels hurt, lost, rejected, abandoned and abused feel safe, your life will change fast.
It’s like the rubber band that kept pulling you backward has been cut away, and suddenly, you’re free to fly.
Until you do the inner work to release these subconscious pains, they will continue to negatively influence your life.
The time to free yourself from the past and feel positive about the future (and good in the present) is now.
In the shadow work workshop, you'll free yourself from the past so you can create a future you love.
You are your own best healer! This is a total system for deep inner work you'll use for the rest of your life.
In this video workshop bundle, you will learn:
♥ Exactly how to do shadow work with my simple, incredibly powerful 6-step process.
♥ How it all works. Listen to a live call where I guide someone through the work.
♥ Expert guidance for overcoming common obstacles or questions that result in most people getting stuck instead of finding healing.
♥ 4 simple access points into the shadow to start your journey. This is where to begin.
♥ How to use journaling and meditation to augment your work.
♥ Specific journal prompts and guidance to explore areas of personal power, creativity, leadership, being a free spirit, and permission to live the life you want.
What’s included:
♥ 1, 58-minute video and workbook including journal prompts: Foundations in shadow work
♥ 1, 35-minute video and workbook including journal prompts: Uncovering your unconscious commitments (Previously recorded for a $1,000++ mastermind)
♥ 1, 50-minute recording where I guide someone through the process so you can hear how it all works
♥ 20-minute guided meditation to process your feelings: the famous Feeling Awareness meditation
People say I’m crazy for teaching people how to do this on their own.
They say exploring your insides without help is dangerous or that it’s too easy to get stuck and not experience benefits.
But I think that’s BS. You are stronger and more powerful than you will ever know.
I have a gift of teaching subtle spiritual healing practices step-by-step, empowering you to work with your inner world more easily and deeply than you ever have before.
You have the power to heal yourself.
The Shadow work video bundle workshop will show you how.
That said, please use your best judgment.
If you feel unstable in your emotions, please find a healer you vibe with to guide you through it.
But for 99.9% of people reading this, this work will be a massive flashlight illuminating all the places you haven't been able to reach until now.
I do have to say, this isn’t therapy!
This is self-healing — at its finest and most powerful.
I can’t wait to hear how it goes for you!
What people are saying about my shadow work process:
"It’s very powerful. I literally felt my inner child and cried for my parents. I experienced long separations from them which affected my relationships as adults. It manifested as codependency and I’m so amazed at the fact that I could pinpoint when and where that started."
"Your methodology and examples to guide one through this experience in a controlled fashion are brilliant and simplistic. I absolutely loved it!"
"Thank you for the clear explanation. I have never tried shadow work, but, you have given me tools that feel safe to try this deep work."
"I did this work one time with a shaman, extremely powerful and transformative. Thank you for explaining it step by step!"
"Brilliant information, great technique. I found this really valuable."
"I feel as though I'm ready to begin the process and I've been hearing about it constantly for the past year, but continued to avoid & label it as something "difficult"."
"Wow, This was very powerful for me. Thank you very much."
What happens after purchasing:
Please check your email! You'll be guided to create an account and receive instructions for accessing the workshop in a private members' area.
** You'll receive lifetime access.