Your heart is always guiding you to a life you love, but sometimes the messages are hard to hear.
Do you ever feel like you don’t know what to do with your life?
Are you tired of wanting something more and feeling blocked, unsure how to achieve your goals?
The Listen to Your Heart guided journal offers proven steps to help you shift from feeling stuck to building the life you truly want.
The book includes 30 days of short readings followed by journal prompts organized sequentially to build on each other.
In 30 days you will:
♥ Increase clarity on your deepest desires and life purpose
♥ Build the confidence you need to achieve your goals through improving your mindset
♥ Increase joy in every day life by learning to enjoy the process of achieving your goals
♥ Improve your ability to know HOW to achieve your goals by tapping into your soul’s guidance
♥ Strengthen the knowing that you are good enough by addressing your deeper fears
Author Suzanne Heyn spent years knowing she was meant for more, but now knowing how to find it. Today she’s built a life and career full of purpose and passion. Now she’s sharing her methods and insights so you can find your unique path too.
You don’t have to waste another day feeling stuck or unfulfilled.
It’s time to feel excited about where you’re headed. It’s time to live the life you’re meant for!
Buy your copy today!